Live Workshop

September 17th

9:00 AM — 2:00 PM (PT)

Astro Party Workshop

Jason LengstorfJason Lengstorf

Learn Astro in a hands-on, guided workshop taught by Jason Lengstorf. This workshop is intended for professional devs and teams that are looking to build the best performing websites with low tech debt and learning curve. You'll discover how you and your team can leverage your existing expertise along with Astro's low-complexity, standards-based approach to build full-featured websites and apps faster than ever before.

In this workshop, you'll learn:

  • Where Astro shines in a professional environment
  • How to get a new Astro site up and running
  • The fundamentals of templating, layouts, pages, and components in Astro
  • CSS & styling, including custom fonts
  • Routing, including static and dynamic routes
  • Managing data, from Markdown to Content Collections to third-party APIs to a custom Astro DB
  • Managing and optimizing images
  • Astro's rendering modes: static, hybrid, and server — and when to use them
  • Adding client-side interactivity with plain JS or your favorite UI framework
  • Handling user input, both server and client side
  • API endpoints and what they're useful for
  • Middleware and when you should use it

This workshop will move fast — because your time is valuable

Hands-on learning is important, but a lot of workshops move way too slowly for experienced developers. This workshop will move at a faster pace, optimizing for covering most of what Astro is capable of in a single day.

You can work along with Jason in real time, or, if you prefer, you can watch the workshop and then go back to the recording to give yourself time to pause and work through exercises at your own pace.

Why learn from Jason?

Jason has been building with Astro since its initial release and has been building for the web for over 20 years. He's built for the web at scale in companies like IBM and Netlify, and shipped dozens of sites to production over the years. Throughout his career, Jason has written just about every permutation of JavaScript for the web, from the bad old days of pre-jQuery "DHTML", to the Node era of Express and templating, through the emergence of Angular, React, and Vue, and into the current meta-frameworks era of Next.js, Nuxt, and beyond.

Jason's decades of experience allow him to see through hype and focus on value so you and your team can take what's useful and leave the rest. As devs, we're employed to create the best experience for our users — and the tools are just tools. Throughout his career, Jason has avoided dogmatic approaches to tooling, focusing instead on building the best experiences for both users and developers.

Event Details

Date September 17, 2024
9:00 AM — 2:00 PM (Pacific time)
Location Zoom (online remote)